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    Contains standard luminescence measurement files output from the Risø reader (SEC, SEQ, and BINX file types). This data set is comprised of standard files associated with a Risø Luminescence Reader. 48 sediment samples from New Zealand were analyzed using a modified version of pIRIR infrared analysis of feldspars, the 3ET protocol. Sample lab codes are listed in a separate file, along with corresponding site location IDs, field codes, and depth below surface. Three file types are included in this dataset: sec files: Contain the series of commands issued to the Risø Reader for a particular run. txt format, readable by Notepad or similar software. SEQ files: Sequence file used for programming in run sequences. These files are readable with Risø Sequence Editor software. binx files: A binary output file that records measurements made by the Reader. The format is described in Risø's software manuals and is typically accessed using the Risø Analyst software. The file in this data set have names that include the 5-digit sample lab code. A file can contain data from one or more samples. The word 'restart' appears in files where a machine run was interrupted and had to be restarted. The code 'MU' indicates a run where fading measurements were collected. A complete description of the Risø TL/OSL Reader, software, and associated file formats is available at: Free software for accessing binx and SEQ files is also available at the DTU link.